Friday, August 29, 2008

Tech Alphabet

Tech Alphabet
Tech Alphabet,
originally uploaded by roswellsgirl.
I think this is where learning is agree?

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

oooOOOoooh so that's what it means!!

Hey guys! Just watched the cute new video from common craft about blogs and blogging!
What a great video! I totally get it now! :) So now I know why people blog and why blogging is kinda cool...(like totally "power to the people" and all that) which is groovy and diggable. I also finally know where the word "blog" came from...all this time I've been wondering where people came up with such an odd term; is it blog as in "blog, blog, blog" I've been talking all day? Or is it because you are wading through massive amounts of information? As in "I'm blogging through all this info?" Why is simply a shortened form of the word weblog...ahhhh!
btw...I can't wait to play with this flicker thingee I've been hearing about! Blog on friends and neighbors, blog on...:)

The habits of lifelong learners...and me.

Okay, so I have observed and reviewed the 7 1/2 Habits of Lifelong Learners and have determined that I do, indeed, fit right in with that group. I have always been one of those annoying(?) people who have enthusiasm for virtually anything new. In general, I enjoy learning new things, meeting new people, and visiting new places. I welcome and embrace change...and this is the thing, why then have I been so reluctant about trying some of these new technologies? Alot of it has to do with the time investment, I think. It takes a while to figure out how to upload photos, blog about stuff, and create and maintain online relationships. Another reason could be that the technology seems to change so fast that it is difficult to keep up, and then there are so many waaays! Well, enough carrying on then...and now to the question at hand. For me, the most difficult part of being a lifelong learner (where technology is concerned) is having the confidence in myself as a competent, effective, learner. I seem to have this mental block about learning the new technology and a fear that I won't know how to do it or that I will do it completely wrong and be unsuccessful--the easiest part for me will be taking responsibility for my own learning. I learn best when I feel like I am allowed to poke around, hands on, and make mistakes (and learn from them) in a non-threatening atmosphere...Like this one! So hopefully, I will start feeling more and more confident with technology as the days progress. :) Maybe I'll also learn to make shorter posts too!! :) :)

Sunday, August 17, 2008

My first blog ever--sort of...

Okay, so here's another reason that I haven't gotten into this whole technology thing. It's confusing! For example; I set up my first blog ever last week. I have a cool little blogspot name and everything...uploaded a picture even...I can go directly to the website...and there I am cool and groovy right? Not. I can go to the website and stuff but when I actually log-in under my email addy and stuff. My blog isn't accessable to me, and I am unable to update...also all my info is missing from my "dashboard"...but if I go to the website...I see it! It's right there! Arrrg! So obviously, I did something wrong and I had to make a new here it first blog ever---redux. Probably I just confused a bunch of people on top of being confused there you have reason why technology is so mystifying to me...well---hopefully I will get better at it and not be so easily frustrated once I start playing more...just had to rant---and for those of you who missed original first blog ever...also a rant (sorry) it is:
" here it first blog ever. I've never tried this before because, truthfully, I really wonder who out there in cyberspace would really be interested in anything *I* would have to say. I always kinda thought that it was a little narcissistic to go posting your opinions ranting/raving and expecting that anyone should care. Who has time to look at what I'm thinking about or doing when you all have your own lives to lead? The other thing is...privacy. Well, my thoughts and opinions have always been my own. I don't always feel comfortable sharing them with just anyone anywhere. Also, what if my opinions change? Or what if what I've written gets taken out of context and comes back to bite me somehow? Perhaps this is "old school thinking," which is why I am taking this step to see what happens...I'm still a bit skeptical about the whole thing though. Technology is cool...but also a little scary (and I *hate* how "old" I sound saying that)."